Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It's a Wonderful Wednesday

It's Wednesday already.We still have a little snow left that has turned to ice around here and it's snowing again!The kids went to school this morning but i'm pretty sure they will have an early dismissel.I went by the flower shop Monday and bougt my honey a chocolate floral basket thingy that will be delivered to him Monday at work.My oldest child is almost 12 years old and boy is it showing!He has the mood swings and boss thing down pat.I keep getting side tracked by the snow.Some people in Missouri got 26 inches and boy would I love to see snow like that!I want it to snow so much that everyone has to stay home so we can make the biggest snowman ever!I'm suppose to go to the other country place today and check my dads mail but if I don't hurry I might not make it.I guess I should call my cousin and see how the roads are out that way.Most of the dirt roads here are clear but I traveled some yesterday that was almost a nightmare.I guess I need to go get on my day clothes and get it a scootin.Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

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