This is my hunny.His name is Donald and I call him my better half.He is the one that can get on my nerves super fast but turn around and say one little thing and I love him all over again.We met on May 2,1997.I was 14 and he was 17.My oldest sister and Donald was going to school together at the time and Donald had a class at the fire department by our house early the next morning so Chrissy invited him to stay at our house so he wouldn't have to get up so early.That night was a fun night.He chased me around the church yard and down the street and when he caught me he held me tight and asked me out.Of course I said yes.
On August 14,1999 we went to the church to get married.I was 17 and he was 20 so we didn't have alot of common sense.Last summer he went on a rampage so I booted him to the curb.I sat around and thought about it for a few day's and decided not to waste my life pouting over a monster so I moved on.I filed for a divorce which felt like it took forever then on the day of court I was informed our marriage liscence was not legal and that we were not married.Now darn it I wanted to get a divorce.I couldn't go to the preacher and ask him to fix those darn papers because he passed away a few months before that.So now I guess I will have a big fancey wedding someday.

He paints dump truck beds and semi's and decided to take this pic for me on his break one day

This is where all his money goes...gotta love r/c cars

THIS is what he looks like when he is MAD at ME

his is how he spends all his time when he ain't got his r/c cars out

The loving pic with the Easter Bunny...Do you think he believes now?NAH

Just a normal meal at Incredible Pizza...........He was blabbing about something

This is a close up.............I keep telling him to shave his chin!

Him and his hobby again.........Really he has brainwashed our baby!

He even believes in taking food from the lil man............PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE lol.Now you have introduced to my honey.Can't live with him but can't live without him so might as well just live with him.
So your fiance is your once husband that you tried to divorce but who was actually never your husband at all? You're about to marry you're almost ex-husband? Ha ha ha
LOL that's correct!
Hey, if you have any old memory photos that you'd like to share with the blog-world, join me today for my "Walk DOwn Memory Lane". If you link up, its a good way to get readers to come see who you are and what you're about. =0)
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