Almost 9 years ago I had my 2nd child.I already had a son so I was very excited about having a girl.Now let me introduce my daughter Kelsey to you.Kelsey was born on July 3rd 2000.Her due date was October 1st 2000.She weighed in at 2 pounds 6 ounces and 11 3/4 inches long.I didn't get to see or touch her until she was 7 day's old since they transported her away from the hospital where she was born.She was legally blind and a hemorriage was pushing her brain to the left side of her head.The doctors gave us no hope of her ever crawling,walking,or talking.We prayed and guess what!!!She is a normal 8 year old girl.She can talk,run,walk,ride a bike,etc.This is Kelsey at 7 day's old (the 1st time I got to see my baby).
Kelsey at 21 day's old (notice some tubes are gone)

Kelsey at 10 weeks old.This is the day she got to come home.She weighed 5 pounds 7 ounces.

Kelsey June of 2002 so almost 2 years old.The bottom one is December 2002.

This is one of my favs.She was so gentle as to not drop the baby.She gently laid Ashley aside so they could both sleep.The bottom pic is her on her 4th birthday.

Christmas Angel.December 2004.Her collar bone was broken in the bottom pic due to a mean little brother.

Kelsey last year.

This is Kelsey now.A happy,healthy 8 year old little girl!

I'm so glad you stopped by to read my blog.

Come for a walk with me down Memory Lane!
And if you have a "Memory Lane" post, head on over to
Awwww, great walk! Thanks for joining up with me again. You're such a good little blog-buddy Grace. ha ha ha
Ya think you'll ever come down and visit your cousin so we can meet? =0)
Maybe one day.I love traveling :0)
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