We finally made it to Wednesday.I have got up on time all 3 day's this week.I didn't do alot yesterday since my dad and cousin came to visit and today my dad and my friend came to visit so I still didn't get much done.I enjoy company...it gives me a reason to do nothing.I did go to the grocery store this morning.I did throw out the 3rd dead fish and when I went back to the tank 5 seconds later the 4th and final fish was floating.He was swimming fine when I walked to the door.I guess he must have been heart broken.I was GOING to mow the yard but when I checked the fluids I found water in the gas and muddy water in the oil "sigh".I should be getting everything ready for a yard sale but it's suppose to rain Saturday so that just kinda blows the mood.Maybe I will wait til May so it will be warmer and I can sit outside and tan.I had to stop and pop steaks in the oven.I soaked them in some kind of marinade...I hope they turn out ok.I went to my Aunts for Easter.I don't get to see her very often so I decided to pack the kids up and take off.It was fun.Well my kiddos are SUPPOSE to be cleaning their rooms.I told them anything left laying on the floor will go to the trash man on Tuesday.Yes that really happens around here.I only tell them for 30 day's to clean then after that it all goes.It gets so bad.How hard is it to bend down and pick up toy's and throw them in the toy box?How hard is it to put dirty laundry in the hamper?It must be really hard!Uh Oh it's almost time for Donald.I better hurry and make it look like I was busy today.
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