Monday, November 30, 2009


Well Ruth {my future MIL} is coming around.She still can't walk but she is starting to talk a little.She does get her sentences messed up and her memory ain't all there.She does have color again.I am not letting her go back home.I am moving Brent to Justin & Kaden's room so Granny can have a room to herself.It just aggravates me that Donald's father wouldn't call for help.I just keep praying the doctors can figure something out.I have many pics to post as soon as I get the time.I have seen alot of my family I haven't seen in 10 years or longer.I better get a scootin.


-stephanie- said...

You are a good person Grace. God bless you.

Good to hear of the improvement.

Ever Blessed said...

It was good to see Ruth today. I'm so glad she has you in her life. ~sjb~

Gracie said...

Hope she is better soon, Grace. Praying for you all =)