Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Girls Night Out

Ok so I'm a bit behind on this but I have been running in every direction.On November 5th my cousin Sarah and I went to see Jason Aldean in concert.I wasen't real far away but not real close either so I just got the pictures I was able to get.

I still like his song Big Green Tractor and a few others but I will NEVER go to another one of his concerts.Either Tracy Lawerence spoiled me with his concert or Jason was just really rude.He sang maybe 5 of his own songs and the rest that he sang was like Van Halen or something.We was not at all impressed!I know we should have felt proud to be there but nope we could have stayed home and watched a good movie and had more fun.

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Oh man, I'm sorry it didn't go better. But at least you can say you went, right? =0)