Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Week Of Unfortunate Events

Sunday-Called Sears to see if I could put vote jar in there,told they would call Monday! Monday-Waited for Sears to call ! They didn't Tuesday-Called John Deere to see if they would sponser Ashley.Yes they did ! Wednesday-The best day of the week! Thursday-Rain,Rain and more rain! Rig got flooded and now it won't start! Friday-Oh boy are we ever flooded.Suppose to go to Mt.Grove today but no ride looks like a bummer!


E @ Scottsville said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the flooding.

I hope your weekend gets BETTER!!!

We have our FINAL District Game tonight and we're SOOOOO excited!

-stephanie- said...

Bummer about the rain. We're having our share here too. At least Wednesday was good.