No More Colors?But I like choosing my own color!Anyway theses pics are results of my Christmas Shopping.I took this before I started wrapping them.Are you getting into the holiday spirit yet?I decided I am selling all my baby furniture {crib,playpens,carseats,walkers,high chair,bouncey seat,clothes,etc.} so I put it all on craiglist.If I sell every bit of it I will have enough to finish my shopping ahead of scedule.Donald has apologized and has decided he don't want rid of me yet!I think he just don't want to get on my bad side.We have decided to have a Christmas Party that is family friendly a couple day's before Christmas.I have a list of about 30 adults which will make the kid population around 50.Oh boy what am I getting myself into?I got all my Christmas cards filled out and enveloped with address's on them and I have all the party invitations filled out.I have gotten most of the laundry olded and put away.Funny how laundry only gets folded and put away about 1 time a month and that would be the week my friend is getting near.The 23rd is National Slap A Co-Worker Holiday.Thats the day you can slap an annoying co worker.I think this included teacher's,bums.spouses,and anyone else you have to put up with.It's such a bright sunny Monday morning.I think I'm going to go pick stuff up.I'm going to start painting the walls soon.Have a GREAT WEEK!
I might be able to write a post about my Christmas shopping being done on Christmas Eve. Geez girl, you're good. My daughter got the Hannah Montana accessories for her birthday and she loves it. I love the bears/penguin hugging the blankets. So cute!
All of mine wont fit on my king size bed.... any suggestions? LOL I want a bear with a blanket too!
I can't believe you've already got that much Christmas Shopping done. WOW, you're GOOOOD!
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