Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memory Lane

Wednesday's Walk Down Memory Lane

Come for a walk with me down Memory Lane!
And if you have a "Memory Lane" post, head on over to Scottsville to join in on the fun!

This takes us back to as far back as I can remember.This old car is sitting in the chicken yard at my grandpas house.I will be 27 in 19 day's and as far as I know this car has sat there since before my time.This is the original pic that I took about a year ago. This is the car after redoing it.I'm not sure if you can see the spring in the background.There are 3 springs the biggest being at the edge of the property line.This spring is the one at the end of the springs.I have alway's loved walking the fields.


E @ Scottsville said...

What neat old pictures! =0)

I do see the 'creek' or whatever it is in the background. I'm just a country girl, too!

Thanks for taking my walk with me today!


Mamí♥Picture said...

How cool is that!!! Very Nice Pictures!!
Thanks for sharing!