This is the back of Kelsey's favorite tractor.......It's just a wanna be Deere!

This is Kaden's favorite tractor.He can sopt a Deere from a mile away.

This is Ashley's favorite tractor....why Ford?Must get that from my uncle.

Brenten and his favorite tractor...notice it's the ford again?

This is our Air Evac.They showed a demo of a farmer on a tractor and the tractor rolled over on him.It was really something to watch.

It's just lifting.It landed right by my rig.

Notice all the amish?Kelsey kept yelling "There's Randy" I finally explained it's not Uncle Randy they just look alot like him.
I sure got alot of pics of the helicopter.Wasen't I there for tractor's?
About the hanger thingy...since we don't have scorpions, I never would have guessed that. Congrats to the winner.
Being from farm country, I do know tractors. Well, I don't know much about them, just that we have a lot of farmers here.
Thanks for popping in to my blog. Come again!
I so love the line, "When we go green it means we put on our John Deere attire."
Wish I had thought of that. So glad you got to go the tractor show.
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