Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Happy Tuesday

It has been a wonderful day.I took Kaden to school then came home and piled the trash on the curb before the trash man got here then I done laundry and picked up the living room then I picked Kaden up from school.I then took Ashley to school and went to get something for supper.I had walked into wal mart and grabbed bread,potatoes,and was looking at lettuce.I then turned around and this old man was staring at me.I have never seen this man a day in my life but he was smiling from ear to ear.He then said "I like your myspace page" I said "what?" He said "Don't you have a myspace?"I said "yes" and then he said "I seen your page and I like it".The only thing on my page is a tahoe background.After getting home I ran straight to the computer and tried to look for the man's picture but I couldn't remember what he looked like.Has he looked at my page numerous times?And how can he look at my page when my profile is set to private?It nearly scared me enough to close my account but hey I rarely go to myspace because facebook hogs my time and he can't do much over the computer.RIGHT?I made it to the track meet yesterday to watch my kiddos.Kelsey got 4 ribbons,Brenten got 1 ribbon,and Justin refused to participate.I am very proud of them.Please Pray For the Freemans.Their baby girl Kayleigh went to heaven last night.I'm sure they can use as many prayer's that we can all give.Remember Prayer's do not cost a thing and you can do it almost anywhere.I am able to do it while bathing,washing dishes,driving,etc.So please jst pray for this family!

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

Oh wow, that is just a bit creepy!!! I don't know how I'd have reacted, but I'd have probably grabbed the kids and RUN! ha ha ha