Wednesday, February 3, 2010

New Hair!

I decided to save money and cut the kids hair myself.I generally only do this with the clippers during the summer when I can just buzz it all off.Brenten and Kaden wanted bowl cuts and I just thought I could do it.I don't think it turned out to bad.I just keep telling myself practice makes perfect {think how good it'll be when they move out on their own}.Justin isen't happy with his hair so I told him I could buzz it all off.He didn't like that idea so decided to stop complaining.Kelsey didn't get anything done to her hair but I did trim Ashley's bangs because I knew if I didn't do then she would take it upon herself.


-stephanie- said...

Nice job. Now what are you going to spend the money on that you saved? ;o)

Grace said...

LOL Stephanie I think I will spend it on paint to cover all the pretty pictures they have drawn on their walls.

christy rose said...

You did good! Your kids are really cute!

Anonymous said...

good one! i just added lots of another emo backgrounds 4 my blog