Last Summer Saturday
Today was the last Saturday of summer vacation for the kids so we decided to do something adventurous with them.Last weekend we went to Alley Springs but we didn't get to do much since it started thundering and lightening.We had made plans to go camping last night but then my cousin was having Grace withdrawls so we decided to go to Alley Springs with all 8 kids for the day.We left home at 9:30am this morning and returned home at 7:00pm tonight.It was very fun.There is 2 trails there one that is 1 mile long and then the other that is 3/4 of a mile.We did walk both of those (they are up steep hills) and came back down hot,sweaty,and thirsty.We visited the old 1 room school house and they had a lady in there dressed like a teacher from the late 1800's.She just couldn't get done teaching fast enough and I broke a sweat from being so hot and stuffy but the kids LOVED it!We then went in the old mill building.There was alot of interesting stuff in there but I have no clue what any of it was (except the trap door in the floor the kids nearly fell through).Then it was off to the old time gift shop.That was very interesting! This is the road home.Notice the pretty rocks on each side and the corners ahead?
This is Kaden down by the water!
Justin,Ashley,Kelsey,Brenten,& Kaden on lookout point
Lookout point with no kiddos in view.
This was along the mile long trail.It had so many corners and was leveled where you could look up to the next level.Donald and Kaden looking down at me.
Time to eat.We decided to eat after walking the 3/4 mile trail.
Erin,Ashley,Kelsey,Kaden,Leydia,Taylor,Justin,& Brenten in the cave.
Me and Leydia in the 1st cave we passed.
The crew walking ahead of me.They had no idea I was takin pics.
The mill from the 3/4 mile trail.I had to zoom in but it still turned out good.
This was very funny.The lady on bottom had been drinkin a bit to much and probably didn't realize that her load was bigger then herself lol.I snapped this thinking she was going to drop her.
Kaden,Justin,Taylor,& Brent.
Kelsey,Ashley,Erin,& Kaden......Sarah had taken Leydia to the bathroom.
You sure packed a lot in a day. Looks so pretty. And you have a beautiful family.
Great pics!
I love that picture of you inside the cave.
Looks like y'all had a great time!
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