Monday, June 27, 2011


What's amazing?Just Life!My ex took the kids Friday night so hubby took me to eat (we don't really cook when the kids aren't home).I waited for the kids to call all weekend (they dislike dads woman).Luckily I got to lay on the couch and watch movies almost the entire weekend.We did make it to the races on Saturday night and I seen the kids there.I have been cleaning out the house and throwing away everything we don't need or want.So far I have only got the living room done.I had some plans today but it's looking very stormy.We did get the kids in and got their pic taken.I'll have to post one for you to see.I've been married for almost 30 day's and it's still going very well.School starts in 3 weeks here and all the kiddos gets to go this year.I am excited but a bit sad because I have never had all of them in school all day.I'm sure I will get a very clean house and have alot of lunches with my BFF lol.Looks like I have a half dozen kids in my bed playing cars and tractors lol.I better go get them to doing what they need to be doing so I can start what I need to be doing.Have an AWSOME DAY!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I'm Married :)

Thats right!On May 28th,2011 I married my hubby.It was a small wedding with a few family and friends attending.He didn't want anything big because he wanted to leave asap after it was over.I will try to upload some pics for you all to see.I am very very happy and could ask for nothing more!