Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's Almost Friday!!!!!!

We have finally made it to Thursday which means only one more day till the weekend!I love weekends and we have alot planned for the upcoming one.There is an auction Tom wants to go to on Sunday and on Saturday I want to go geocacheing.I found one hidden box last year and thought I could get a head start on this year but the box has been moved.All the wedding invitations have been mailed and we are 4 weeks away from the big day.I am very excited!We haven't decided if we want to go to Tunica and gamble or if we want to go to Branson.I guess we will let time decide everything for us (meaning I will wait til the last second then decide).I am very good at waiting til the last minute to do anything lol.Perhaps maybe thats why I am alway's almost late for everything?I sat around and cleaned house yesterday then when it was time to make supper there was NOTHING to it was off to load the kids and go to town.I went cheap and we had mcdonalds before going to the store.I now have SOMETHING to cook tonight and can stay home all day.I enjoy staying home!My chickies are picking up on laying eggs so we have eggs alot.I started giving the horse some corn and i'm pretty sure he tells me thank you everyday.Everything is blooming and starting to look pretty so maybe that means spring is finally here to stay.I love the nice spring weather!I guess I better go do the feeding and start the washing machine (id hate for anyone to have to go naked tomorrow).Have a wonderful Thursday!

Monday, April 4, 2011

It's Monday...AGAIN

Of course I'm sure you are aware that it is once again Monday.It's cold and pouring rain outisde today so that has halted my plans for the day.I have since made new plans that the rain won't disturb.I had a wonderful weekend.Tom and I celeberated our 1st year together,we bought more ducks,we ate,we watched movies,we slept,and that is about all.Saturday I bought ducks and Sunday morning they were gone so I searched for them but never found them.Sunday evening the kids came home and Kaden was determined to find the ducks,I was in the laundry room when he ran in the house yelling "I found the ducks" I threw my shoes on and followed him down the road but I never seen them.Tom and the other kids got involved in the search and the ducks was found swimming in the pond (I had searched this pond that morning).So now that the ducks are found and it is cold and rainey I am going to go to town and buy more chicken feed and fill my tank once more before gas goes up a nymore.I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!