Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Holiday's & Life
Thanksgiving was 5 day's ago and we are still eating turkey.We had quit a house full of feasters.I alway's wanted a house full of people during the holiday's because it just makes it seem so festive.My ex inlaws that I kept in the divorce,my ex brother n law,our widowed neighbor,all our kids,and me and my husband was here at our house for Thanksgiving.If you remember our neighbors husband passed away right before the holiday's last year and her kids live in Alaska so she is sorta alone.We now have our Christmas tree up and decorated.What is your thoughts on Christmas?Me myself believes that it is a time for children and the less fortunate.I don't care if I recieve gifts but when it comes to the kids I believe they must have something.To a child 1 gift can mean so much.The less fortunate is just like a child.A fruit cake or a whole pie or even a couple of dollars can make them so happy.My Christmas shopping is done finally.I completed it last week just to make sure I have everything that is needed.I hope everyone has a very speacial holiday season and I hope everyone has safe travels.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tis the Season
Halloween has come and gone and it's November already.We are 21 day's from Thanksgiving and this year I have alot to be thankful for.Then after Thanksgiving it's off to Christmas!I love the holiday's!I wrapped 25 Christmas presents this morning.I usually wait til a little closer to time but man I am getting to old to stay up til 2am just to wrap gifts.I have tried to work hard the last few months so I would be able to get the kids what they want but this year there just really ain't much that they want so that makes it a little harder.Deer season for the kiddos opens Saturday so I had to go buy their tags and ammo and a gun that would fit the smaller ones.Kaden (the smallest of them all) shot the gun yesterday and done a very nice job.He does still have a couple more years before he is able to go hunting but if he can practice from now to then he should do just fine.I skipped work today (the advantage of being self employed) so I can clean my house from top to bottom.I haven't touched it yet lol.Ok i'm off to clean :)
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Hot Shop Bargains Link
This is the way to get to Hot Shop Bargains.You must have a facebook account to get in.
This is the way to get to Hot Shop Bargains.You must have a facebook account to get in.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
It's MEEEE Again :)
I am once again back.I think this could turn into a habit!My shop building came in yesterday and is now set up on the farm.I don't have to drive to work and I can work in my shabby clothes if I please.Everything is going good on the home front.My sister had a baby a couple weeks ago and they are both doing well.My mom went in yesterday to have a section of her colon removed due to it being cancerous and she goes in Friday to have a portion of her boobie cut off.I guess I'll be sporting a "save the boobies" shirt before long.My hubby didn't have to work yesterday "if the post office is closed he don't work" so we went and met my dad for lunch.A body was found right down the road from my dads house a couple days ago.It has been identified but man that is just to close to home.My shop is online selling of new and used items (clothes,toy's,dishware,etc.).If you are looking for something we just may have it!We don't mind to ship but we do try to keep it in usps flat rate boxes but if you see something you really want I'm sure we could ship it!The only items we don't ship is vehicles,boats,atvs,etc.If you would like to join in just send me a friend request on Facebook (Grace Croney Reid) and we will get you added!I better go get to work now.Have an Awsome Day!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Just a Follow Up :)
Hello Everyone!
I'm back for a bit.It's been rather busy here lately.School started in August and I opened up my own little online shop (of course it's just on facebook) but hey it's not doing to shabby.It's just stuff that people ask me to sell for them and then of course some of my own.As you see we had pics done again.We go the end of the month for family pics.I guess thats an update!
I'm back for a bit.It's been rather busy here lately.School started in August and I opened up my own little online shop (of course it's just on facebook) but hey it's not doing to shabby.It's just stuff that people ask me to sell for them and then of course some of my own.As you see we had pics done again.We go the end of the month for family pics.I guess thats an update!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Dear So & So
1.Dear Hubby,I just want you to know I love you.
2.Kiddos,I want you to know I love you.
3.To whomever chooses jurors,Thank You for choosing me.I used my time sitting like it was a vacation.You gave me no time to think about dirty laundry,dirty dishes,dirty floors,or anything else.
4.Dear Mother n Law,Thank you for the edible taxi.It was DELICIOUS!
5.Dear everyone,Thank you for reading my blog (even though its generally boring)
6.Dear ME,You are behind 2 day's on house cleaning.Please pull yourself away from your square headed boyfriend and get things picked up.
2.Kiddos,I want you to know I love you.
3.To whomever chooses jurors,Thank You for choosing me.I used my time sitting like it was a vacation.You gave me no time to think about dirty laundry,dirty dishes,dirty floors,or anything else.
4.Dear Mother n Law,Thank you for the edible taxi.It was DELICIOUS!
5.Dear everyone,Thank you for reading my blog (even though its generally boring)
6.Dear ME,You are behind 2 day's on house cleaning.Please pull yourself away from your square headed boyfriend and get things picked up.
Monday, June 27, 2011
What's amazing?Just Life!My ex took the kids Friday night so hubby took me to eat (we don't really cook when the kids aren't home).I waited for the kids to call all weekend (they dislike dads woman).Luckily I got to lay on the couch and watch movies almost the entire weekend.We did make it to the races on Saturday night and I seen the kids there.I have been cleaning out the house and throwing away everything we don't need or want.So far I have only got the living room done.I had some plans today but it's looking very stormy.We did get the kids in and got their pic taken.I'll have to post one for you to see.I've been married for almost 30 day's and it's still going very well.School starts in 3 weeks here and all the kiddos gets to go this year.I am excited but a bit sad because I have never had all of them in school all day.I'm sure I will get a very clean house and have alot of lunches with my BFF lol.Looks like I have a half dozen kids in my bed playing cars and tractors lol.I better go get them to doing what they need to be doing so I can start what I need to be doing.Have an AWSOME DAY!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I'm Married :)
Thats right!On May 28th,2011 I married my hubby.It was a small wedding with a few family and friends attending.He didn't want anything big because he wanted to leave asap after it was over.I will try to upload some pics for you all to see.I am very very happy and could ask for nothing more!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
It's Almost Friday!!!!!!
We have finally made it to Thursday which means only one more day till the weekend!I love weekends and we have alot planned for the upcoming one.There is an auction Tom wants to go to on Sunday and on Saturday I want to go geocacheing.I found one hidden box last year and thought I could get a head start on this year but the box has been moved.All the wedding invitations have been mailed and we are 4 weeks away from the big day.I am very excited!We haven't decided if we want to go to Tunica and gamble or if we want to go to Branson.I guess we will let time decide everything for us (meaning I will wait til the last second then decide).I am very good at waiting til the last minute to do anything lol.Perhaps maybe thats why I am alway's almost late for everything?I sat around and cleaned house yesterday then when it was time to make supper there was NOTHING to make..so it was off to load the kids and go to town.I went cheap and we had mcdonalds before going to the store.I now have SOMETHING to cook tonight and can stay home all day.I enjoy staying home!My chickies are picking up on laying eggs so we have eggs alot.I started giving the horse some corn and i'm pretty sure he tells me thank you everyday.Everything is blooming and starting to look pretty so maybe that means spring is finally here to stay.I love the nice spring weather!I guess I better go do the feeding and start the washing machine (id hate for anyone to have to go naked tomorrow).Have a wonderful Thursday!
Monday, April 4, 2011
It's Monday...AGAIN
Of course I'm sure you are aware that it is once again Monday.It's cold and pouring rain outisde today so that has halted my plans for the day.I have since made new plans that the rain won't disturb.I had a wonderful weekend.Tom and I celeberated our 1st year together,we bought more ducks,we ate,we watched movies,we slept,and that is about all.Saturday I bought ducks and Sunday morning they were gone so I searched for them but never found them.Sunday evening the kids came home and Kaden was determined to find the ducks,I was in the laundry room when he ran in the house yelling "I found the ducks" I threw my shoes on and followed him down the road but I never seen them.Tom and the other kids got involved in the search and the ducks was found swimming in the pond (I had searched this pond that morning).So now that the ducks are found and it is cold and rainey I am going to go to town and buy more chicken feed and fill my tank once more before gas goes up a nymore.I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
OH Boy................
I posted yesterday saying I was up to having 21 chickens,4 guineas,and 3 ducks.I left for town and got home to find a dog off his chain and dead chickens,ducks,and guineas everywhere!I now have 9 chickens and 3 guineas.We are also minus 2 dogs!I was mad and upset and Kaden was a bit shaken when he seen all his chickens so I text Tom and told him and he came right home.He put the dogs down.Hopefully this weekend I can get more ducks.I have alway's wanted ducks.It's rainey and sleeting on and off around here.I am so ready for spring to get here and stick around!We had our fingers measured last night..My finger is a 4 1/2 and Toms is an 11.Now I mainly blogged that so I wouldn't forget lol.It's 8:30am and I need to decide what I want to do on this day since the kiddos only have a half day of school.Kaden is sitting at the table with his new art set and a pad of construction paper painting away so that should keep him busy for awhile.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Hello Again
The weather has been beautiful around here but a cold front moved in and cooled it off today.We have been surrounded by wildfires and since we had high winds they just kept burning.We drove around last night looking at the fires and how close they were to our house.Everything is calm this morning and I don't smell smoke so maybe they are all out now.It's now official that I am ready for a wedding.I bought the kids and Tom's clothes along with everything else last week.The color has changed from camo to yellow and light blue.The kiddos are as excited as we are.I'm up to having 21 chickens now and 4 guineas and 3 ducks.I love animals.I'm hoping to fing me a baby goat still on the bottle today.I found a mini horse yesterday but Tom said NO so I'll have to wait on that one.I haven't blogged in awhile and thought I better do so.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Back from Vacation

Monday, March 7, 2011
The begining of the new week
It's Monday once again and I am hoping the week flys by.My kiddos spent their last weekend with their father and was so happy to get back home.I made it to my friends house to see her grandbaby again and I took Tom along so he could catch the baby fever along with me.I turned the chickens,ducks,and guineas out of the pen yesterday so they could roam for a bit.Tom is off Thursday and Friday and we are leaving Friday to go to St. Louis for the weekend.It should be a good trip.I looked at the wedding supplies at wal mart over the weekend and found everything I want AND it all MATCHES!The set I found includes invatitions,place cards,the glasses,cake topper,serving set,ring pillow,flower basket,and sign in book.I couldn't believe it was less then a 100 bucks for all of it.May 7th 2011 at 2:00pm is the date and time for the big day.I'm very excited already.I have added some pics since I havent't done that in awhile.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
It's A Beautiful Day!!
It has been a nice beautiful day today.The nice weather has inspired me to get outside and do something so I...Went to my friends and seen her new grandbaby,had lunch with Tom and Kaden,Deposited money in the bank,Filled my gas tank,Cleaned the chicken coop,Tied the dogs up (after they got in the bunny pen and was trying to eat it),Put the bunny in her new pen,and done some laundry.It's not even 4:00 pm yet so there is plenty of time to finish all the projects.The house does need a cleaning but I have been inside all winter so choose to be outside now.I'm thinking I need to clean the yard up a bit so Tom can haul a load of trash in to work tomorrow (it helps that he works at the city "landfill" and can dump trash anytime the need arises.Tom and I have been together for 11 months today.Everything is still going fantastic and plan on getting married in 1 month.The kids are growing up and their personalities are really changing.It's hard to believe my oldest is 12 and my youngest is almost 5.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Dear So & So
Dear Kiddos,I'm planning a fantastic weekend with you all.I hope you enjoy not only the trip but also the quality time spent together.
Dear Donald,It's fine for you to attend Justin's birthday party but please understand I will refuse to buy your lunch.
Dear Tom,I still love you unconditionally and I hope you enjoy the trip tomorrow.
Dear Mom,I will not help you move again so please don't ask.
Dear Chrissy,I'm so glad we are able to have our nightly chats and I enjoy being your sis.
DEar Bus Driver,I would appreciate it if you would keep everyone informed when our children will be late getting home.I think 6:00pm is a bit to late.
Dear Fellow Bloggers,Thank you so much for checking in on my once fun life that has turned to drama but hey if I can laugh about it you might as well too.
Dear Donald,It's fine for you to attend Justin's birthday party but please understand I will refuse to buy your lunch.
Dear Tom,I still love you unconditionally and I hope you enjoy the trip tomorrow.
Dear Mom,I will not help you move again so please don't ask.
Dear Chrissy,I'm so glad we are able to have our nightly chats and I enjoy being your sis.
DEar Bus Driver,I would appreciate it if you would keep everyone informed when our children will be late getting home.I think 6:00pm is a bit to late.
Dear Fellow Bloggers,Thank you so much for checking in on my once fun life that has turned to drama but hey if I can laugh about it you might as well too.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
This would be our new toy.Tom is bringing a 3 wheeler home this evening so 3 or 4 of us can ride at 1 time.I thought the sickness was gone but Kaden vomited on Ashley's homework last night.I'm breaking down and taking him to the doctor today as soon as I can get him to agree on taking a bath.Went back to the lawyer yesterday and the ex has decided to just sign everything on the kiddos away since his baby was born yesterday.When the lawyer asked him why he replied "I just want to start my life over".I guess that means "I want to forget I already have kids and just start having more".I did talk it over with the kids so they know what is going on and they seemed rather relieved since daddy can't pick them up every 2 weeks for a 2 day visit and since he was alway's letting them down.We had some very nice day's weather wise here but it started raining last night and let up to a drizzle this morning which made it freeze on the windshields.I'm certainly ready for spring and summer.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Were almost over it!!!
Thats what I said!The kids and I am feeling MUCH better!We all still have an annoying little cough but the fevers are GONE!I thought they would never leave.We have tried to stay active through it and done a pretty good job at it.We took a road trip and bought a go cart which is pretty cool.I would not allow the kids to drive it even though it has a roll cage due to the fact they didn't have helmets that fit propely.I did manage to go out yesterday and purchase 2 helmets that fits them so the helmet I bought at wal mart is going back today.The helmets I bought yesterday is gently used and I got them both for $55.00 and the one from wal mart costed almost $80.00.We are now in the process of trading the Ford Ranger for a 4 wheeler.Hopefully we will know more about that tonight.All the kiddos has made it back to school so Kaden and I are going to town to do some shopping (gotta remember to get some food too) and have lunch with Tom.The wedding is only 5 1/2 weeks away and I am getting excited.I got my vows done too!I didn't want to have a church ceremony with it being a camo wedding but I did find a place that has the rustic look so plan on doing it there.My oldest child will be 12 on Thursday.It just dosen't seem possible!Have a fantastic Day!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Make It Go Away..And Stay There
Valentine's Day was perfect..I could not have asked for a better day.Tuesday morning 1:10am I could not sleep due to a pain in my side so I headed for the er.They ran some tests gave me meds and sent me home.Wednesday I still didn't feel well and had spiked a fever of 103.1...no big concern to me since I'm an adult.The kids got home from school and Ashley was not feeling well.She had also spiked a fever so it was off to Wal Mart to buy a cure.I got Mucinex,Delsym,Cough Drops,Thermometer,Tylenol,Vaporizer,Vicks for the vaporizer,and Vicks Rub.Got home and bathed Ashley gave her some mucinex,rubbed her down in vicks,put her in warm clothes and got her comfy and she was out like a light.I chose to not take any meds because they make me feel loopy the next day.I awoke this morning to a drenched shirt due to my fever breaking in the night.Ashley woke up with no fever and looking much better.I think we nipped the illness in the rear :)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone!
I hope everyone is able to spread some love and joy today!
I hope everyone is able to spread some love and joy today!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Dear So & So
Dear Tom,I love you VERY much and want to say thank you for everything
Dear Kids,I love you all dearly
Dear Donald,Taxes are in and thank you for giving me my half
Dear Government,I got a notice about me haveing unclaimed property,How do I have it and where did it come from?
Dear Everyone,I'm having a fantastic day!
Dear Mom,Thank you for wanting the boy's this weekend
Dear Ruth,Thank you for wanting to spend time with your grandkids,I'm sorry your son won't allow you to see them on his time.
Dear Kids,I love you all dearly
Dear Donald,Taxes are in and thank you for giving me my half
Dear Government,I got a notice about me haveing unclaimed property,How do I have it and where did it come from?
Dear Everyone,I'm having a fantastic day!
Dear Mom,Thank you for wanting the boy's this weekend
Dear Ruth,Thank you for wanting to spend time with your grandkids,I'm sorry your son won't allow you to see them on his time.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
It's a Wonderful Wednesday
It's Wednesday already.We still have a little snow left that has turned to ice around here and it's snowing again!The kids went to school this morning but i'm pretty sure they will have an early dismissel.I went by the flower shop Monday and bougt my honey a chocolate floral basket thingy that will be delivered to him Monday at work.My oldest child is almost 12 years old and boy is it showing!He has the mood swings and boss thing down pat.I keep getting side tracked by the snow.Some people in Missouri got 26 inches and boy would I love to see snow like that!I want it to snow so much that everyone has to stay home so we can make the biggest snowman ever!I'm suppose to go to the other country place today and check my dads mail but if I don't hurry I might not make it.I guess I should call my cousin and see how the roads are out that way.Most of the dirt roads here are clear but I traveled some yesterday that was almost a nightmare.I guess I need to go get on my day clothes and get it a scootin.Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!
Monday, February 7, 2011
What A Weekend
It was quit the weekend around here.It started snowing Friday afternoon and stopped snowing on Saturday kinda sorta.We was only to get like an inch but ended up with about 6 inches of the white stuff.I dropped the kids off with their dad Friday evening then I headed to Wal Mart.I don't recall buying anything but a new vaccume cleaner and dryer sheets and then we went and ate.Saturday we got up and went to town for some reason then came home and took a nap then woke up and headed to the movies and out for supper then it was back home.Sunday we went to the animal auction then picked the kids up and came home.It was a VERY quiet relaxing weekend.Then of course last night was the Super Bowl!My team did win!I love the Packers!And now as you know this is Monday and I have laundry calling my name.Why can they make so many self cleaning things but it dosen't include laundry?I slack on laundry alot.Perhaps I should go get started on it then I could get it done but when I think about it I think of my nice comfy bed lol.I guess thats all for now.Have a wonderful week!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Dear So & So
Dear Tom,I love you but your trip has me a bit on the grumpy side.It should pass when I get out with the kids for our trip.
Dear Kids,I'm sorry you have to go to your fathers tonight and stay the weekend but remember I will be praying for you
Dear Mom,Sorry to have worried you yesterday but it was a busy day.
Dear Beth,Please leave Tommy alone!You dumped him so just leave him alone
Dear Bloggy friends,Thank You for following my blog and leaving comments once in awhile.
Dear Kids,I'm sorry you have to go to your fathers tonight and stay the weekend but remember I will be praying for you
Dear Mom,Sorry to have worried you yesterday but it was a busy day.
Dear Beth,Please leave Tommy alone!You dumped him so just leave him alone
Dear Bloggy friends,Thank You for following my blog and leaving comments once in awhile.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Not Much of Anything
It's Thursday and the kids are back in school.I have just done alot of nothing so far today.I did manage to get my bedroom cleaned and some laundry done yesterday.I did get mine and the kids trip planned last night so now March needs to hurry and get here!We will be leaving on March 11th and returning on March 13th.We really ain't doing much but it's enough to wear them out.Life is going fantastic still.Tom and I have been together for 10 months and 2 day's!It has been the fastest 10 months of my life!The kiddos goes to their father's tomorrow evening.I have a couple that is excited and a few that is whining over it.Kaden dosen't think he should have to go because he needs his daddy.To Kaden Donald is just his friend and Tom is his daddy.We even managed to confuse the tax man!Oh ain't it lovely when life is confusing lol.I'm still trying to get everything set for the big wedding day.Music seems to be where all my troubles begin.I have so many I want to play but I'm sure there won't be time for all of them.I definatly want George Strait,I cross My Heart!If you have any ideas feel free to let me know.I better get ready to go to the cell company.Have a great day and remember tomorrow is Friday!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ol Man Winter Arrived Along With Everything I didn't Plan For
Saturday morning we ran out of propane.We turned on the kerosene heater along with electric heaters to keep toasty til Monday.Monday a snow blizzard was on it's way so I called the propane company and had propane delivered so we would have auctual heat.Tuesday the rain,sleet and snow moved in and oh my we lost electric so it was back to town for me to buy food that didn't have to be cooked.I drove from store to store looking for another kerosene heater because the one we was using was Tom's moms and they needed it.Nobody had a heater for sale but Tom found one when he got off work.So now we have plenty of heat,food,and water.I called the electric co-op to be put on hold the whole ten minutes so I could tell them when the electric came on.So now after stocking up on everything we have electric and everything else EXCEPT snow and ice.The snow isen't piling up much,the roads are in good condition,the kids are out of school.Hopefully tomorrow they have school.I've been watching the kids bib coveralls at wal mart because I knew it was time for the price to drop.The original price was $30.00 but I paid $11.00 yesterday.I was sure glad to get them for the kids.Donald's girlfriends baby is due in 2 weeks.It's suppose to be a girl.I need to be doing some laundry and posting stuff on craiglist.Have a Wonderful week and remember we are half way through it!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ready for some catch up?
It's been awhile since I have blogged.Life has gotten fairly crazy around here.My ex was polite enough to go get our marriage legalized so i was polite enough to go get a lawyer at his expense.It feels like I have been in her office more then I have been home.Hopefully in 2 weeks I will be a happily divorced woman and the proud owner of 5 children.The first visit with the lawyer Donald was present and asked me if I would take on his girlfriends 2 year old child and teach her to not scream and cry (we had one like this and I got him to stop)because they have to keep her locked in the bedroom so they don't have to hear it.I told him NO since I had already done this once before with my own (I didn't lock him in the bedroom).Then it was brought up that Donald's girlfriend is pregnant so the lawyer asked if I would like to have custody of it also,I told her No because I didn't help create it.Who in the world would go in a lawyers office and say such things?Has to be a man thing!I did however get my way with my kids after him saying all that he did.He has agreed on everything that I have said so far but I did threaten him in the parking lot before going in.It wasen't a bad threat but you know like alimony,extra child support,taking full custody,etc.It worked in my favor.We are expecting alot of snow and ice tonight.I bought a couple of sleds a couple of weeks ago so we are set and ready!We did run out of propane Saturday morning but I called this morning and they had more here within 2 hours!Tonight is the night I get to go file taxes!I didn't pay a dime in so im not getting a dime back..OH wait I will be getting some back because I have to file with Donald and he has to give me half of his!Life is just full of amazing things!I'm sure Donald isen't as happy as I am with his life but life is only what you make it.I think if he could have showed the kids some love and respect it might of could have worked but without love and respect you have nothing!My kids do have love and respect now and they are almost alway's smiling,laughing,or singing!To see them happy makes me happy.Well it's time to go pick the kiddos up from school.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Tuesday Craziness
Today is going to be one crazy day!I'm going to my friends house to take pics of baby items after my laundry gets dried,I have to be at the lawyers office at 2pm,Tom is getting off work at 12pm,and who knows what is going to happen between all of this.My ex and I agreed on some things yesterday so it should make it easier today.My lil man just got out of bed and came to me to let me know he sweeped a bunch (he slept a bunch).I now have him settled in my bed watching Mickey Mouse ClubHouse.I haven't been having hot flashes lately,they was so bad I thought I was going to run us out of cold water.April 2nd 2011 is the new wedding date!Our colors are black,white,and camo.I believe I found a rustic looking location that will blend in with the colors.I have 6 bridesmaids,6 groomsmen,1 maid of honor,1 best man,2 flower girls,and 1 ring bearer so far.I already have my dress so all i have to get is the boy's and Tom's white shirts and my shoes (why can't I just wear my boots?).I watched My Big Redneck Wedding last night on CMT but I seen zero ideas for me.Our snow is finally gone!I'm still awaiting my W-2 so I can go file taxes but it seems to be taking forever!I guess I should go get everything I need for the day together so I don't leave anything behind.Have another awsome day!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Hello Again
It's officially Monday again!The kids had no school the past 4 day's due to snow and the weekend.Tom's Birthday Party was yesterday,He is now 42 years old.I sat down last night and made auctual wedding plans so now I am ready.I heard from my ex last week...of course he has changed his mind on his knocked up broad and wants me back but I had to turn him down.I got a new ride (or new to me anyway).It's a year younger then the Tahoe was but hey it runs and has the 3rd row seat.I took new ride out on Thursday to try out the 4x4 and it does work so I am happy!We filed Tom's taxes now just waitin on my w2 so I can go file.Since I bought new furniture and tv's last year I am going to help Tom out with his bills this year to get them out of the way.Not alot has happened.Hopefully there will be no more snow day's on Friday's so I can get blogging back on track.Have an awsome Monday!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Dear So & So
1.Dear Tommy you should not be getting mad like that because it could end you up in trouble.Maybe those 17 stitches will show you!
2.Tom i'm sorry Tommy broke the mirror off your truck but maybe it will teach him.
3.Kiddos it's Friday and you only have a half day of school so I hope you all come home happy
4.Cawvey Family I am keeping you closely in my prayers
5.Kiddos again i'm sorry your going to be a bit late due to the bus having a flat
6.Dear Grace,STOP STICKING YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH you know it makes people mad when you give honest answers to people asking you questions
7.Dear ex's please leave us alone,You are only jealous that we are happy and you are not!
2.Tom i'm sorry Tommy broke the mirror off your truck but maybe it will teach him.
3.Kiddos it's Friday and you only have a half day of school so I hope you all come home happy
4.Cawvey Family I am keeping you closely in my prayers
5.Kiddos again i'm sorry your going to be a bit late due to the bus having a flat
6.Dear Grace,STOP STICKING YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH you know it makes people mad when you give honest answers to people asking you questions
7.Dear ex's please leave us alone,You are only jealous that we are happy and you are not!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I missed yesterday!
I forgot to blog yesterday.I can't say anything exciting happened.I had to take Brent to the doctor for his check up and run back to the store for everything I forgot the day before.As for today,well I was going to do some deep house cleaning but I have a kid home from school vomiting so I don't see the house getting cleaned.I let Tom read Tuesday's blog and he still couldn't figure out what in the world he had done so I explained it to him like I would explain it to a 2 year old and then I started laughing because he did take off work early lol.It's almost time for my new ride to be here.I think we are going to look at suvs with the 3rd row seat on Saturday!I told him all I really wanted was a 56 model so we don't have all the computer junk.I have had a total of 7 vehicles in 11 years!My honey just called me!He calls me about 50 times a day just to tell me nothing or to tell me what he told me yesterday.I sure do love hearing his voice though so it's ok.I'm thinking with income tax i'm going to purchase a cook stove,stove hood,refridgerator,and a vaccume cleaner.We have all of these items that are in working order BUT the cook stove isen't white like it should be,the stove hood only has the fan and I want a light,the fridge dosen't fit in it's place,and the vaccume is a water filtered hyla that stinks terribly when you turn it on.I am also going to buy a rig.Tom is buying supplies to add on so all the kids can have their own bedrooms.I tried to explain that the girls can share a room and so can the boy's but he wants them all to have their own space.I do guess that is all for now.I better go see how much house I can get cleaned!Have a Fantastic Day!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
It snowed...And I'm GRUMPY
1.We got snow last night
2.I awoke at 4am to watch school closings
3.Tom and I made plans for this day since it was the day to go grocery shopping
4.Above mentioned man did NOT follow through with the plan
5.I am not going grocery shopping with 5 kids alone
6.I am not driving on the slick roads
7.I have recieved 2 missed calls today
8.Above mentioned calls was unanswered due to ringer on silence
9.Fighting kids are not in my plans for the day
10.Fighting kids are awake and in full fighting swing already
11.I'm going back to bed!
2.I awoke at 4am to watch school closings
3.Tom and I made plans for this day since it was the day to go grocery shopping
4.Above mentioned man did NOT follow through with the plan
5.I am not going grocery shopping with 5 kids alone
6.I am not driving on the slick roads
7.I have recieved 2 missed calls today
8.Above mentioned calls was unanswered due to ringer on silence
9.Fighting kids are not in my plans for the day
10.Fighting kids are awake and in full fighting swing already
11.I'm going back to bed!
Monday, January 10, 2011
It's Monday again *sigh*
It's once again Monday!Sometimes I wonder why we can't just skip Monday.I did try to sleep this Monday away after getting the kids on the bus but here I am wide awake.I thought we was going to get alot of snow last night but nope we didn't.It is suppose to snow tonight (about 2 inches) so I am crossing my fingers it comes!We haven't had snow this year so we are ready for it.It was a very peaceful weekend!Tom went rabbit hunting with his cousin and the kids played outside or watched tv and I just took some alone time and hibernated in the bedroom with good books and the internet.Have a great week!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Dear So & So
Wow it's been awhile since I have done this.I don't even remember the auctual day to do it so I choose to do it on Friday's.Here it goes!
1.Dear Friend,Please leave soon.You do not have to hang around for a whole week terrorizing me!
2.Tom,Thank You for making my day's fly by and for loveing me and the kids they way you do.You are a very caring man!I love you
3.Dear Kaden,Thank You for giving mommy lot's of laughs throughout the day.I enjoy the time we spend together and will miss it a ton next year when you go to school.
4.Dear Donald,Please get a job and pay your child support!That's the only nice thing I can think of to tell you!
5.Dear Tommy,It's your girlfriend,not mine so you deal with her and leave me out of it.
6.Dear Sarah,I miss seeing you and the kids,Hopefully it won't be long before we can meet up for a good visit.
7.Dear Sarah,What makes you think I would put you on my phone plan?Your 14 not 40 so start acting your age!
8.Dear Justin,Kelsey,Brenten,and Ashley,I love you all very much.I'm so glad I get to spend all the home time with you guy's.I know you miss your dad and maybe someday he will realize that he hurt you guy's to make himself happy.
And that is my post for this Friday.Have a Safe Happy Weekend!
1.Dear Friend,Please leave soon.You do not have to hang around for a whole week terrorizing me!
2.Tom,Thank You for making my day's fly by and for loveing me and the kids they way you do.You are a very caring man!I love you
3.Dear Kaden,Thank You for giving mommy lot's of laughs throughout the day.I enjoy the time we spend together and will miss it a ton next year when you go to school.
4.Dear Donald,Please get a job and pay your child support!That's the only nice thing I can think of to tell you!
5.Dear Tommy,It's your girlfriend,not mine so you deal with her and leave me out of it.
6.Dear Sarah,I miss seeing you and the kids,Hopefully it won't be long before we can meet up for a good visit.
7.Dear Sarah,What makes you think I would put you on my phone plan?Your 14 not 40 so start acting your age!
8.Dear Justin,Kelsey,Brenten,and Ashley,I love you all very much.I'm so glad I get to spend all the home time with you guy's.I know you miss your dad and maybe someday he will realize that he hurt you guy's to make himself happy.
And that is my post for this Friday.Have a Safe Happy Weekend!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
It's Almost Friday!!!!
We have made it thru most of the week which only means it's almost Friday!I love Friday's because it means I have to get the house picked up for the weekend.I'm still attempting to get things back in order from Christmas.I did manage to get the toy's sorted and yet another bag that needs to go elsewhere'don't care where they go but they can't stay here!I heard yesterday that our old pastor is in ICU on life support (he is as old as my dad) so prayer's go out for him.The Tahoe part should be in today so maybe it will fix that thing for awhile.It broke down on me again Tuesday so we pushed it back up to the school and let it sit there then yesterday the school called for me to go get a sick kid and the trusty Ranger would not start for anything so I borrowed Tommy's car.I'm just waiting on taxes so I can get a new ride!I will NOT buy a Chevy that's for certain!Funny thing is I had a Chevy Camaro that I drove for 5 years then I had to many kids so I bought a Chevy Pickup and drove it for 5 years but haven't had a good Chevy since then.I bet I could buy the Camaro back but I have more kids now then I had then so that might not be a good idea.I have a ton of stuff to get on Craiglist by tomorrow and a house needing some tlc but something tells me this aint the day it's going to happen.I could change my mind on that after I get some coffee running through me.I try to call my cousin once a week since I rarely get to see her and I passed her Tuesday I think it was and man it felt good to see her.I don't see very many people since I moved so it sure is good to see people around town.Tomorrow I am shooting to start a blog like I once done.Wish me luck and hopefully I don't forget.Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Begining the New Year
I can't believe it's 2011 already!2010 was a very fast year for me.Here are a few good/bad things that happened in 2010..
1.My ex sat all the kids belongings and part of mine on th curb (good)
2.I met the man that I thought didn't exist
3.I have been in a relationship with Mr.Perfect for 9 months with NO fighting or arguing
4.Tahoe broke down 7 months ago
5.Got Tahoe running Monday 1-3-2011
6.Trusted Tahoe enough to take it to town 1-4-2011 but broke down again
7.Watched my kiddos get another year older
8.Watched my kids come out of their skittish selfs (they now have good male influence with no fears)
9.Put on a few extra pounds
10.Watched all my life long dreams come true!
It might not sound like much but it is alot to me.I didn't make any resolutions this year but decided to take it one day at the time.My goal for this day is to get the house picked up and back in order.Christmas break for the kids means no time to do deep cleaning..just pick up enough toy's so you can have a path to the front door.Tom had to go to work early this morning for a city counsil meeting and it's not yet time to get the kids up for school so I thought it was the perfect blog time.I'm thinking about electing one day per week to do some sort of "special" blog but haven't decided on what to do yet.I'm sure I will think of it soon.Thank each and every one of you for reading my blog.Have a wonderful day!
1.My ex sat all the kids belongings and part of mine on th curb (good)
2.I met the man that I thought didn't exist
3.I have been in a relationship with Mr.Perfect for 9 months with NO fighting or arguing
4.Tahoe broke down 7 months ago
5.Got Tahoe running Monday 1-3-2011
6.Trusted Tahoe enough to take it to town 1-4-2011 but broke down again
7.Watched my kiddos get another year older
8.Watched my kids come out of their skittish selfs (they now have good male influence with no fears)
9.Put on a few extra pounds
10.Watched all my life long dreams come true!
It might not sound like much but it is alot to me.I didn't make any resolutions this year but decided to take it one day at the time.My goal for this day is to get the house picked up and back in order.Christmas break for the kids means no time to do deep cleaning..just pick up enough toy's so you can have a path to the front door.Tom had to go to work early this morning for a city counsil meeting and it's not yet time to get the kids up for school so I thought it was the perfect blog time.I'm thinking about electing one day per week to do some sort of "special" blog but haven't decided on what to do yet.I'm sure I will think of it soon.Thank each and every one of you for reading my blog.Have a wonderful day!
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