Friday, July 31, 2009
Dear So & So
Dear Kids,I love you dearly.I was so glad I got to spend quality time with each of you today.I hope you enjoy all your new school stuff.Love Mommy Dear Sarah,Thank you so much for spending the day with me and the kids.I enjoyed your company and help.I look forward to tomorrow.Your cousin Grace Dear who ever left the box,Thank you!I like it alot and the perfume smells good.Please reveal yourself.Grace Dear Donald,I love you!We had a wonderful week.Thank you for caring for the kids so I can have some me time tomorrow.I will be very careful.Love Grace Dear Fellow Bloggers,Thank you for leaving me comments and also for reading my boring blogs.Your fellow Blogger Grace
Thursday, July 30, 2009
UnSolved Mystery
I took the kids to the park last week.Before I left home I checked both doors twice to make sure they was locked up tight.After feeling comfy that my house was secure we loaded up and took off.Later when we came home Ashley was in a rush to get in but I told her she had to wait for me to unlock the door.By the time I got to the door Ashley already had it open.I asked her how she got the door open and her reply was "I just turned the knob and came in".So then I started wondering how the door got unlocked but THEN I turned around and spotted this pretty little box on the table.Ok so this made me think my dad had been here since he sometimes leaves things behind but when I asked him he said he had not been here.So I asked everyone that I might want to leave me a box if they had left a box and all the answers were the same "NO".So to whomever left the box and perfume THANK YOU!Now get your tail over here and reveal yourself.Now as you see it say's "I Love You" I must have a secret admirer that knows how to pick locks.Should I feel scared or loved?Well I just feel like I now have something else to collect dust lol.I can't throw it away or donate it because I gotta know who brought it!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
A Walk Down Memory Lane
It is once again time for Memory Lane.I still have a lost mind and just can't get my copy paste to work so just go over on the right and click on Scottsville.She is the one that started it.Now let's go back 2 years and 6 months in time.This is when we first moved into our new house.This is back when the kids bedrooms were clean.I am unable to walk in them now.The kids look so much bigger now then they did then.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Road Trippin
Last week we took a road trip to the dentist.We don't have a kid dentist in our town so we drive 100 miles 1 way to the dentist and then 100 miles back home.As we left on this day we was running late for the 2 hour trip and it was pouring rain .I drove on the way up and I refused to let the rain slow me down.When I know I have to have my kids somewhere important at a certain time I make sure they are there.I can say that going 80 mph in pouring rain scares passengers lol.Donald buckled up and held on tight.The kids didn't seem to mind though.On the way back Donald decided he would drive even though it had stopped raining.I didn't mind because that gave me time to take pics.Oh wait I take pics as I am driving.Let me guess.You NEVER want to be my passanger?It's ok I promise.So here is some pics of our trip.This is a semi we passed.
This is a van that would have never passed us if I was driving but since I was not driving he got around us.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Popcorn Night Anyone?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Dear So & So
Dear Chrissy,Thank you for having us down on Monday.It was a great get away and relaxing at the same time.We have to do that again before school starts.Thanks for all the clothes.The camo coat fits Brent so now I don't have to stress on where to find one his size.Love your sis Grace. Dear Donald,I'm sorry if I made your week miserable.If you had a best friend that came once a month and stayed for a week you would be edgy too.My friend is a few weeks late and that is why I am edgy.Thank you for going to Springfield with me.I had fun even if it was just to take the kids to the dentist.I love you your 1 & only. Dear Sarah,Thank you for having us over for movie night.I will have to come help you clean house during the day someday since my kids made a mess.I hope you enjoy the puppies and the bunk beds.Your cousin Grace. Dear Kyla,Thank you for moving out of moms yard.Of course she is still complaining but that is just what she does.I'm sorry I've been edgy with you but you made me mad when you started yelling at me.I am your elder so please do respect me lol.Love your sis Grace. Dear Dad,I'm sorry about your accident but at least nobody was hurt.I am praying your results from the doctor come back with good results.Slow down and stop lifting appliances.I love you.Love your daughter Grace. Dear Mom,I hope you can live peacefully now that Kyla is gone.I'll come see you someday.I love you.Love your daughter grace. Dear Kids,You have given me a good week.I love you all so much.I'm sorry we gave the puppies away but just remember we can go see them anytime.I love you.Love Mommy.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Finally A Day OutSide
Your not seeing this wrong.This isen't Angel this is Kelsie.She is a 4 month old baby that came to visit.Her Mommy left her in mine and my friends care today.We had much fun.
This is Brent carrying Jaxson around at the park.I was at the hospital 16 months ago to hold his mommy's hand while she had him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Let's name those pups
This is our new puppies.They are both boy's.The one on the left is slick haired and the one on the right is a little fluff ball.I think I want to name one Pankey but neither of them answers to it.So if you have
any ideas on good puppy names please feel free to leave your suggestions and I will consider each one carefully.

Monday, July 20, 2009
Not Me Monday
I did not have a good week.Tuesday I did not do a whole bunch of nothing,Wednesday I did not do the same as Tuesday,Thursday I did not go to my mother's and pick up Justin due to a violent sister and sister's boyfriend.I did not complain to Donald Thursday night and tell him what we have and what we are going to have.Us women DO NOT have perfect men that sometimes need reminded what becoming parents means.Friday we did not load up all the kids and head to the fair to watch the truck pull.It was not fun.Donald's cell phone did not get shut off sometime at the fair and I did not try to call him and then he could not find us when he returned.Saturday night I did not have a blast keeping the baby.She is not sweet and I do not try to spoil her.The above mentioned baby is not 2 months old.I did not have the above mentioned baby all day Sunday and she was not perfect in any way.And as for today I did not load the kids and head to my sister's house for a nice relaxing day of watching movies.we do not plan on doing it again.I do not hope your week was as great as mine :0)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Making Memories
Saturday, July 18, 2009
5 reasons I am the way I am
Thursday, July 16, 2009
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Thank you for taking a walk with me.I can't seem to get my copy & paste to work so when you leave here skip on over to Scottsville.You can find your way if you look to your right.It will be the 2nd logo down.And now we begin.Since today is Brenten's 7th Birthday I decided to walk with him.The first pic was taken 1/24/04.That would have made him 18 months old.
This is brenten when he was 5 years old.I know he looks all sweet and such but REALLY you should have seen his actions earlier that morning!

Any Ideas?
Ok so I last posted on Tuesday.I'm sorry I missed Wednesday but some annoying people were here to see Donald.She ain't really annoying but he IS and I love spoiling the baby.My cousin came yesterday with her kiddos so we followed each other to wal marts and bought junk food {taffy calms my nerves i guess}.I made chicken strips for supper last night and Donald was happy.Tonight however he is bein grumpy again.Sometimes I just get tired of all the screaming and hollaring.Yes it gets bad enough that I just want to load the kids and run far far away.I wish I had Dorothy's shoes.My youngest sister had man troubles again today and with her and him living at moms and mom had Justin I flew the 20 miles to pick him up.Kyla started yelling at me and I finally got fed up and told her they both needed shot.They got scared and took off walking.If she is stupid enough to stay with him then she don't need us.Another thing I don't understand is:When a person does drugs and they think they are dying so they call 911 why don't the cops just stay with them til they die?It would save everyone tax dollars plus it would slow down the drug population.My day has been so off so I really don't know any good posts and it has been stormy all week so we haven't been outside much.My camara batteries are dead so I can't take pics {cell pics just ain't the same}.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I have had a great day.I awoke at 5am and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and started cleaning house.After doing all I wanted to do I sat down and played bejewled for awhile and got my new high score.I bet my sis can't beat that {right sis?}.Donald has had something up his rear lately and I am begining to think it might have got turned sideways or died {let's hope it falls out soon}.I babysat this morning and my dear friend took my youngest daughter home with her for the night.The kids grandma is coming to pick up Kelsey and Brenten for the night and justin went home with my mom.WooHoo thats only gonna leave Kaden.I suppose I can call that a break.Of course Ashley will be home at 7:30am tomorrow morning but hey I still have tonight.It's still rainy,thundery,and lighteningy here.I know some of those aren't really words but I made them words HA.I have spent alot of time listening to the scanner today and boy people are losing their minds.I'm in the process of making supper which is gonna look like hog slop but Donald and the kids love it.If they eat it I make it lol.I'm sure someday they will learn to not tell me they like something if they really don't because I will continue makin it if they eat it.And who in the world leaves their 10 year old and 4 year old home alone????Is that just not stupid?I wouldn't have a house left if I done that.My kids MIGHT stay home alone when they are 20 lol.I haven't taken no pics lately due to the battery charger being in my vehicle and me being to lazy to go retrieve it.I did get pics of us popping popcorn over the fire pit.I didn't even bother to put the lid on it I just plainly told the kids to catch it as it popped out.The squirrels are invading our outdoor lounge area including the fire pit.Don't worry there is no fire only wet wood and water {yes I know some of you worry about the rats}.I have seen 4 bunny's playin in my yard today {no I didn't try to catch them}.Is that a good enough blog for this day?I really gotta go stir that stuff I call supper.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Not Me Monday!
I did not have a semi grumpy week.Every little think did not pounce on my nerves.We did not get more big storms.We did not need more rain.I did not laugh at Donald when we were outside and the lightening did not make the hairs on his neck stick up.I did not fix the scanner so I could hear everything that was going on.I do not keep the above mentioned object on 24/7.I have not had the baby fever {No I DON'T believe that could happen} and I have not found a baby that comes to visit often.I did not find baby girl some clothes for if she ever stay's the night.I also did not find baby girl a playpen to sleep in and rest her back while she is here.I am now not looking for a baby swing for baby girl to enjoy while she is here.We did not have a double birthday party for Kelsey and Brenten on Saturday.I did not go spend $40.00 on cake for 12 people {that would not just be crazy}.I am not baby sitting this week because that would show I have a tolerance for lot's of kids.This is not a pic of baby girl.Her name is NOT Angel Nicole.I do not love spoiling her.
I do not hope everyone had a wonderful week since I did not have a wonderful week thinking back on it.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Daisy made it home!!!!!!
On July 3rd our doggy ran away.I thought with her being an old dog she might have ran away to die.Our puppy had died,moms dog had died,and my neighbors dog had died all within 3 days of each other so that gave me reason to believe Daisy had died too.Then on Friday July 10th I seen this ad in the paper.I turned around and said "hey thats my dog".Of course it was only me and the kids home but my dad showed up 30 seconds later.We all got excited and I called Donald to go pick Daisy up from the animal clinic.She came back with an excellent report EXCEPT no more table scrapes for Daisy.She is way over weight.She had on a pink camo collar but I guess the finder decided that was one cool collar because she didn't have it when Donald picked her up.Thats ok I can buy another collar.

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