I have been busy today.I got the oldest 3 off to school via the bus and got me and the youingest 2 dressed and ready to take Kaden to school.After getting that done I drove through McDs and got my daily 42 ouncer.Donald had asked me last night if I would pick him up a toothbrush since the kids "used" his.So I bought him a toothbrush then headed to the park where our family gathering will take place since I myself had never been there.I was rather shocked when I pulled in off the dirt road to find a paved parking lot.Then I seen it.It has a bathroom that is CLEAN,it has a roofed building for if it rains,it has beautiful big rocks with benches (kinda like a peaceful spot),it has a nice grassy area to play ball and other games,and it is handicapped accesible.I got so excited I called and reserved it on the spot.I just couldn't wait.I was told last night that one of my aunts wants to come to my house.Yes to MY house.She won't even tell me hi if I see her out and she wants to come visit me!I never thought I could socialize with most of the family but I am learning that I can.It's just that I have to make the first move.Oh boy it's almost 10:00 which means I have to pick Kaden up in 1 hour and I have to pick up the house so it will look ok for my meeting this afternoon.It has been a great day already.I hope yours is going as well as mine.I'm off to clean.I will try to post more tonight.